The whole neighborhood knows our dogs and keep an eye for them. They are friendly and never attack unless provoked, so can be left to wander about on their own for a few minutes and they always find their way back. There have been days when complete strangers have come knocking to tell us that our dogs have wandered far away and somebody should go get them, before they are dog-napped. They are the star attraction, though our immediate neighbors will have a different POV due to their(his) loud and constant barking. Every person walking by or standing in front of the gate is greeted this way.
Forever up to mischief, forever hungry, can eat any thing and forever barking! Once he took Imp's stuffed toy into his dog house and refused to come out! Last week one day he suddenly decided to not come back home after his regular walk post lunch. We decided to wait till evening to go look for him. Our help, who whenever around, always takes them out personally after lunch was very guilty...since this happened on his watch. So he takes the other one and goes looking. And cant find him. Takes the other one too and heads out. Still no clue. Dad is not too worried, mum however is a different case altogether. And Imp asking for him all the time. Mum's sure he has either met with an accident somewhere or somebody's walked off with him. She strongly suspected our immediate sour neighbor. Our other dog is acting very weird. Standing at the gate and barking away, peeing through the opening and barking... Open the gate and he looks left and right and barks away. Every time, he barks we're checking outside and finally our man decides to come back home. Why? Its dinner time! And his punishment, poor guy had to go hungry for not coming back home on time. Nobody messes with mum when she is sooo upset.
Obedient, Quiet and unruffled... till the notorious one came into picture. Then we saw his naughty side. Both of them together are a riot. Always chewing whatever they can sink their teeth into... looking at both of them, one would think they are not fed at home, at all. One fine day he too decided to not come back home after his lunch walk. For some vague reason he decided to follow one of the teens who was walking out of a nearby bank. Accompany him till his shop, and decides to snooze under the shade there. It was a hot sunny aft, and the kid had given him a bowl of water and food too. small mercies he did not eat anything, just had water and slept. The boy along with his friends dropped him off home in the evening. The boys were totally thrilled and excited, that they had the company of our dog for one whole afternoon and that he was so well behaved!
These very group of kids keep a look out for our dogs, always checking in on them and appraising us if they have wandered far away.
Blessed.. Aren't they?